
Showing posts from September, 2017

Un'università piena di storia

The University of Bologna, is a public university located in Bologna, which is in the north of Italy, and it would take about 4 hours driving to get to the capital of the country - Roma. It was founded in 1088  It is the oldest university in Europe and it can be compared with renown schools such as Oxford University in Great Britain. There are different subjects and majors taught at the school but the ones with more tradition are rhetoric, medicine and mathematics. There are different famous people who studied at this school such as: Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca and Niccoló Copernico. There are almost 80,000 students enrolled in 23 faculties, including several international students. All'università di Bologna studierei inglese, spagnolo, italiano,  comunicazione e interpretazione.

La commedia dell' arte

La comedia dell' arte is a type of improvisational theater born in the middle of the 16th century in Italy and preserved until the beginning of the 19th century. As a genre, it mixes elements of the literary theater of the Italian Renaissance with carnival traditions, mimic resources and small acrobatic skills. Personalities: Arlecchino is usually the main person in the acts, he improvises a lot and it is someone who makes funny stuff like jokes, so I consider him as a "lazzo". Pantalone is a wealthy miser who speaks in Venetian dialect, while il dottore is a wine lover. Outfits: Usually used masks like the ones we see now a days in Venezia carnavale. Also they wear luxurious and old cloths. Specifically, in la comedia dell' arte Arlecchino used a colorful clown-like costume. Pantolone wore a red vest and a black cloak and il dottore long academic robes.