La commedia dell' arte

La comedia dell' arte is a type of improvisational theater born in the middle of the 16th century in Italy and preserved until the beginning of the 19th century. As a genre, it mixes elements of the literary theater of the Italian Renaissance with carnival traditions, mimic resources and small acrobatic skills.

Personalities: Arlecchino is usually the main person in the acts, he improvises a lot and it is someone who makes funny stuff like jokes, so I consider him as a "lazzo". Pantalone is a wealthy miser who speaks in Venetian dialect, while il dottore is a wine lover.

Outfits: Usually used masks like the ones we see now a days in Venezia carnavale. Also they wear luxurious and old cloths. Specifically, in la comedia dell' arte Arlecchino used a colorful clown-like costume. Pantolone wore a red vest and a black cloak and il dottore long academic robes.
